Michigan Unveils New License Plate Design Featuring a Single Middle Finger to Represent Driving Culture

Michigan New License Plate with middle finger

LANSING, MI – In a bold move to reflect the true essence of Michigan’s driving experience, the state has unveiled a brand-new license plate design featuring a single, glorious middle finger. Officials say the new plate will replace the current “Pure Michigan” branding with a more “realistic” depiction of the state’s road rage, pothole-induced suffering, and general highway lawlessness.

“The old plates just weren’t capturing the spirit of Michigan drivers,” said MDOS spokesperson Janet Waitlist. “We realized that if you spend more than ten minutes on I-94, you’ll see this hand gesture more than you see actual turn signals. So why not make it official?”

The new plates will come in three design options:

  • The Classic Flip – A simple, black-and-white hand gesture for traditionalists.
  • The Road Rage Edition – Featuring a red-faced emoji and steam coming out of the ears.
  • The Michigan Special – Maize and Blue with a “Your Move, Ohio” tagline.

Local drivers have mixed reactions. Some applaud the honesty, while others are concerned about potential misinterpretations in other states. “I mean, it’s fine for us, but how do you explain this at the Canadian border?” asked frequent traveler Tom Grumble. “I don’t need customs assuming I hate them. I just hate traffic.”

However, state officials insist the plates will help boost morale and reduce road rage incidents. “If everyone has a middle finger on their car, there’s no need to personally give one,” said Waitlist. “It’s a time-saver.”

Governor Whitmer called the design “a fitting tribute to Michigan’s drivers” and confirmed that additional state-branded accessories are in the works, including dashboard pothole repair kits, limited-edition ‘Merge or Die’ bumper stickers, and a commemorative honk-synchronized GPS system.

The new plates will be available starting April 1st, with the option to personalize your middle finger with different skin tones, nail polish colors, or even a Lions Super Bowl ring, though that last one remains purely hypothetical.

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